Dear Tenant (2020) Full Movie Watch Online

Plot summary - For the past five years, Lin has been looking after the son (Yo-you) and the elderly mother (Mrs Chou) of his deceased boyfriend (Li-wei). They live together like a family, and it is Lin’s way of remembering Li-wei - by continuing to be in the life he once had and loving the people he once loved. But when Mrs Chou passes away, her other son (Li-gang) returns from overseas and discovers that Mrs Chou’s property is passed on to Yo-you, who has been legally adopted by Lin. Li-gang contacts the police, accusing Lin of killing his mother. As the ensuing investigation continues, more and more evidence mounts against Lin...

Directors - Yu-Chieh ChengWriters - Yu-Chieh Cheng (screenwriter)Stars - Morning Tzu-Yi Mo, Shu-Fang Chen, Run-yin Bai, Chun-Yao Yao

Dear Tenant

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